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**Bright Music Studio BMS旋律音乐工作室线下和网络音乐培训课程

********旋律音乐工作室由Melody Xia 2023年新创立的结合网课跟线下音乐课程的音乐工作室。Xia博士毕业于美国西弗吉尼亚大学声乐歌剧表演系音乐艺术博士(Doctor of Musical Arts), 硕士毕业于迈阿密大学声乐表演系,并在2020年获声乐歌剧艺术家文凭(声乐博士),目前是美国Vocal Artists Management 艺术家管理公司签约歌剧演员,以及美国歌唱教师协会
NATS东部地区声乐老师. 曾任教于美国西弗吉尼亚大学音乐学院Community Music Program, 有超过5年的声乐,钢琴,和音乐理论教学经验,所教过的学生通过英皇声乐八级考试,钢琴4级考试,NISSIMA 的钢琴声乐考试,以及在大小型的声乐比赛中获奖。
*专业(流行pop, 音乐剧,美声唱法)
As a professional voice teacher, Fei has been teaching voice for almost ten years. Her job as a teacher is to make sure her students enjoy studying music and dig out their music potential as much as possible. She teaches voice from age 6 -adults who are interested in singing classical and musical theater. She also teaches piano for beginners, teaches children theory, sight-singing and ear training, and teaches adults theory, sight-singing and ear training who are music amateurs or music
professionals. She is experienced in helping students with the ABRSM and NISSMA exams on voice and piano. In her voice lessons, students will learn about:
Vocal warm up
Vocal Techniques
Performance Abilities
Repertoire Build-Up
Competition skills
Preparation for the Competitions such as ABRSM, NISSMA, etc.
phone: 305-815-8703 or 347-506-5469 (if nobody answers, please text)
Thank you!  


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